Founded in 1990, Sonora Wordworks is an editorial and publishing service operated by Gregory McNamee.
McNamee has been involved in the publication of more than five hundred books, issued by houses such as Viking Penguin, Henry Holt, Columbia University Press, Random House, North Point Press, Island Press, Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Harvard Business School Press, Fordham University Press, and Smithsonian Institution Press/Smithsonian Books.
He has also worked with reference-book publishers, calendar publishers, film-production companies, small businesses, medical practices, law firms, pharmaceutical discovery companies, academic and governmental units, and many private clients in a variety of projects, including scriptwriting and editing, translation, advertising copywriting, business planning, website design and content development, and the digital archiving of film, sound, and print media.
For references, fee schedules, or any further information, please send a note here.